Our Engineering team


What does Engineering Look Like at Dashlane?

Find how our Engineering team operates, from the perspective of our own Staff Software Engineer Emmanuelle Franquelin

Meet the CTO

Learn more about our product, and how it translates into the work the engineering team does through the words of our own CTO, Frederic Rivain

A Development Story

Growth at Dashlane

Knowing that you’re joining a company that cares about your development and provides the right tools for you to own your path is critical.

Learn from our own Laure Hugo how Dashlane supports her development in Engineering, and in the words of our CTO, Fred, how we leverage Career Paths, Experimental Programs, and many other tools to foster growth that makes a positive difference.

Hands working on laptop with chip-style cover

What does security mean at Dashlane?

At Dashlane, we take security seriously. We know we’re responsible for not only the protection of customer data but also company data. And as a leading company in the security space, we know we have an important job to do influencing and educating the state of cybersecurity across the globe.

What tech stack does Dashlane use?

This is one of our most-asked questions—so our CTO took to the blog to explain the technology that powers Dashlane.

From the Engineering blog

  • A Deep Dive into Web Extension Security

    A few months back we shared some insights about the security of our web extension and explained our approach to security on the web platform. In this article, we’d like to go one step deeper and help clarify that our web-first experience is much more than a web app, and highlight a few risk scenarios we evaluate when building for our new web-first experience.

  • A Conversation About Privacy: Dashlane’s “Five Laws”

    A few months back, we had a lot of internal debates about how we think about privacy at Dashlane. We realized that what privacy means is a very tricky question depending on who you talk to.

  • A New Way to Use Dashlane on Safari

    Dashlane’s macOS app has been around for years. It’s offered a wide feature set, from managing credentials to sharing items with your friends and family. In 2020, we built Dashlane for Safari, an App Extension where users could see, synchronize and autofill their data. It allowed us to have a new native interface while sharing code with the iOS app.